Fucking Against FASCISM
July 30th, 2018 7PM-11PM
Fucking Against Fascism is film by Chelsea Poe and Courtney Trouble making it's way to East Vancouver for their Canadian debut.
On this lovely summer evening you are going to be able to snuggle up with some pals and admire some smutty touring delights.
The pornographic films brought to us by this dynamic duo will include films by international and American filmmakers as well as by Chelsea herself. There will be a meet and greet with Chelsea Poe and Courtney Trouble after the screening with lots of amazing merchandise for sale.
For local talent we will be treated to a comedy set in between showings by Tin Lorica
Who is Tin Lorica? Tin Lorica is an Aries first and a queer Filipinx 1.5th generation icon second. Tin Lorica is an emerging poet and stand-up comedian who resides in East Vancouver. They are your local grumpy barista. Their comedic style has been described as someone who is about to bring you some bad news. Their poetry has been featured by The Real Vancouver Writers Series and Poetry is Bad for You. Their comedy credits include Fox Hole Comedy and SAD Comedy.
We will also have a performance piece by the incredible: Femanáde
Entry will be $10-$15 sliding scale with no one turned away for lack of funds. Everyone who enters the space will be given a ticket for an incredible porn giveaway.
1st prize= A lifetime membership to queerporn.tv
2nd prize = Their lifetime snapchat username (for someone who is Courtney's fan this is very personal and very dirty)
3rd prize= $50 gift certificate to realqueerporn.com